Clinical Supervision

I take both a client-centered and therapist-centered approach to supervision. In our sessions, we will put our heads together to conceptualize your cases and navigate your blindspots. Processes of transference and counter-transference will be explored within therapist-client dynamics and we will explore how to use this information for the healing of your client and to improve your skills as a therapist. Guidance, feedback and tools will be offered and tailored to your stage of training and your specific case profiles. My aim will be to help you refine your skills in weaker areas (e.g. boundary work), and to help you move towards being the kind of therapist you want and know yourself to be.

Consulting for Support/ Health Care Workers

These sessions and workshops will be designed for health care practitioners, ranging from medical physicians and nurses to osteopaths and other therapists. The aim will be to provide non trauma therapists with the comprehension, language, basic tools and trouble shooting skills to provide trauma informed care to their clients and patients for smoother and more effective treatments.


Mentorship is geared towards therapists or therapists in training that are looking to develop skills in a particular approach, such as somatics, or more generally, trauma-informed care. Education and instruction will be provided on specific approaches (e.g., sensorimotor psychotherapy, mindfulness therapy) and your progress and skill with these methods will be examined vis a vis case discussion.