What is Somatic Experiencing (SE)?
SE is a short-term naturalistic approach to the safe resolution and healing of trauma. It was developed by Dr. Peter Levine, author of “Waking the Tiger”, and is currently accepted as one of the leading methods of healing trauma. It is based on the observation that wild prey animals, though often threatened, are rarely, if ever, traumatized. This is because they use innate, instinctual mechanisms when under threat, to regulate and discharge high levels of nervous system arousal (fight or flight impulses) - mechanisms that have typically been interrupted/ prohibited in humans (due to judgments from the “rational mind” or social prescriptions on behaviour). SE normalizes the symptoms of trauma, and helps to safely and gradually discharge the arousal that is locked up in the human body (in the neuromuscular and central nervous system.), and build resources, thereby resolving traumatic symptoms.
What does an SE session look like?
In each session, we will begin with a thorough assessment of your concerns, symptoms, priorities and needs. The relevance of the SE approach to your difficulties and a plan to address these symptoms will be offered and modified as necessary throughout treatment. Each session will involve a gentle somatic (bodily) exploration of the sensations, images, behaviours, impulses, emotion, and story associated with a difficult experience (e.g., a past trauma), as well as work to build resilience and self-regulating resources, with the intention of freeing the body from unhealthy charge in the system, and to move towards integration, self-regulation, equilibrium, and rest. This will be achieved through stillness and movement, using sound and vocalizations practices where necessary, with a focus on resilience building, the release of stored activation in the body, and story resolution.
*These sessions are not exclusively designed for people who have been in life threatening situations. Trauma is not about the person, or the event itself, but about the nervous system’s response to the event experienced; this approach is suitable for anyone who has experienced difficult events in which they felt overwhelming feelings of fear, helplessness, loss of control, and an associated lack of support.
Therapy Options
Sessions can be done in person, or online. To schedule an appointment, visit the “Contact page” or you can contact me at drsabinasarin@gmail.com or by phone at (514) 451-3372.